1. What/who made you decide to book a boudoir session?
Me! I have been in a rut for a while, gained a lot of weight and wasn’t feeling too good about myself so I though “hey, let me do something different for one day to feel sexy again and show I still got it.”
2. What made you choose Hillary West Studios?
So, a friend of mine had some photos done by you and they were literally amazing. I started following your FB and IG and saw how amazing all your pictures were. I love your body positivity posts and how you take pictures of everyone of all different sizes and how gorgeous they all look.
3. What were you nervous about going into your session?
I was nervous about my body! I was nervous none of the outfits would look right. I was worried my double chin and mom belly would show big time.
4. What was your favorite part of the experience?
The entire thing! From the moment I got there until the end. Having your makeup and hair done is such a treat. Especially when you’re a mom and are always rocking the homeless look daily. After my hair and makeup was done, I was like “hellooo you bad ass bitch.” The session was amazing. I didn’t feel as self-conscience like I thought. It was so much fun working with you. Music playing, talking about everything, and just laughing the whole time.
5. How do you feel now that you've completed the session?
I CANNOT wait to do another session! Like as soon as I left and then weeks later when I saw my pictures for the first time I was like OMG I need to do this again!
6. Would you recommend Hillary West Studios to others?
Hands down absolutely. This literally was the best experience of my life and it was because of how easy you make it!
7. What advice would you give to women interested in doing a session?
DO IT! I promise you, you will not regret it! We need to do some self-care every so often to remind us how amazing we are. It’s really an empowering experience!
And to add…it’s ok to be nervous but I promise you the nerves go away. Do what makes you feel comfortable. No matter what the pictures will turn out amazing.